Erotic stories of 1990s Libertine
Profile page of 1990s Libertine. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
1990s Libertine wrote 5 erotic stories which have been read 8.3K times
Group sex | 2
Bisexual | 1
Cheating | 1
Exibitionism | 1
2023-06-05 12:55:08
2023-04-19 11:15:17
Bisexualwritten on
Adventures in a shared house part 4: fully made upFor those that haven't read parts 1, 2 and 3, I will set the scene. In the 1990s, I shared a house in South London with my girlfriend and two other girls. All of us were in our 20s and we liked to get drunk and muck about – which became increasingly sexual and free as the two years we lived together rolled along.
One Thursday, I headed out after work with my workmates as the girls in the house were having a make up evening – you know the thing, where someone selling make up and beauty comes ove... reading time 5 mingenre
Group sexwritten on
Adventures in a shared house part 3: Back storyI shared a house in the 1990s with my girlfriend and two other girls. We were all good friends and, as you may have read in parts 1 and 2, after a year or so of living together we all got a bit into group sex in various combinations. That summer – 1993 it was – my girlfriend paused her job in London and headed home to Ireland for a month. One of the other housemates also decided to take a break and did the same, heading to the US to see friends. This left myself and the one other girl alone in ... reading time 6 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
Adventures in a shared house part 2: CFNMAs I said in an earlier story, I shared a house with three girls in the 1990s in London and, one night after a lot of wine a game of cards turned into an amazing sexual adventure for us all: a lot of firsts for each of us... this night of freedom kicked off a year of sexual living in our house as many a taboo was broken and many fun things happened to each of us.
One of my favourites happened one night after a party we'd all been too. We had arrived back at our shared house about 1am, all a bit... reading time 3 mingenre
Exibitionismwritten on
Adventures in a shared house part 1: cardsBack in the 1990s I shared a house with three girls, one of which was my girlfriend, the other two just girls who had answered a free ad in a newsagents window. Over the year we had all lived together we had all become great friends and sociallised a lot together.
We were all in our 20s, I was 25, my gf was 23 and the other two were 23 and 26, and back in the day we all used to drink and party a lot... even on a work night.
One night after a few bottles of wine and bored with watching TV – whi... reading time 6 mingenre
Group sexwritten on